Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lenore, Big Headed Kitty, Roman Dirge and more...

I have always been inspired by the strange and macabe. There are many artists that are really original and are constantly amusing to me. One of them is Roman Dirge. His most famous effort was the comic series called Lenore. I was recently turned on to a stash of short webisodes of Lenore animation. These are stories from the comic that Sony had turned into flash shorts. It consists of the whole set of 26 episodes ever created. Check them out before they are gone forever.

Lenore Stash

Roman also created some other comic stories. One of these was previously unknown to me. It's called The Cat with a Really Big Head, and One Other Story that Isn't as Good.

Now as you can imagine this discovery sent us for a loop as our site is similarly named. The truth be known we were unaware that there were other similarly afflicted cats in the world. Roman's cat is not the hero of our site. He certainly has a much "bigger" problem than our "Big Headed Kitty" has. We wish Roman's cat all the best and hope the swelling goes down. We really do.
You can get a copy of The Cat with a Really Big Head, and One Other Story that Isn't as Good here at Amazon. If your interested in Lenore...You can get the comics here.

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