Tuesday, May 13, 2008

SIGGRAPH ASIA call for participation

Thought I would mention SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008. They still have open calls for participation. I think it's exciting that they are holding an Asian event.

The first ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphicsand Interactive Techniques in Asia opens in Singapore on 10 December 2008.

For four fascinating days, SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 will extend the horizons of innovation and excellence. It will feature creative, scientific, and educational work that provokes thought, explores ideas in innovative ways, addresses contemporary issues, interactively engages viewers in discovery, and stimulates their intellect and imagination.

All members of the computer graphics community in Asia and throughout the world are invited. Reserve your exhibit space now. Submit your work for consideration when the online submission system opens in early February. And in early July, when online registration and hotel reservations become available, make plans to be in Singapore for this historic event.

Call for Participation
Now Available: Online Submission forAll SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Programmes

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