Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wow, You're Not Kidding. A New Kind Of 3d Printer

Oh SIGGRAPH you're always full of such cool innovations. Here's one for ya! Mcor Technologies has introduced the Matrix 300. What is it? Well, it's a 3d printer of course. If you read this blog then you know I have a love of 3d printing. The Matrix 300 creates a 3d object in a brand new way. It does it by gluing cut out pieces of paper together. Instead of building up micro thin layers of plastic or other materials, the Matrix 300 cuts out individual paper thin paper slices and builds them up one by one with glue. The resulting 3d print is similar to really sturdy paper mache'. How's that for being innovative? The above image of the tires is an example of what the prints look like. Here is a link to Mcor's Gallery of objects. If you want to see some video of the process check out their Video Gallery here. (Sorry, I can't embed these).

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