Sunday, August 19, 2012

SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012 is coming.

SIGGRAPH ASIA fast approaches and the last of the deadlines is looming. August 20th, 2012 to be exact.

This year, SIGGRAPH Asia will be held in Singapore from 28 November - 1 December, which was also host city of the inaugural edition in 2008.  
The SIGGRAPH Asia conference features a myriad of stellar and innovative contributions from artists, designers, animators, researchers, and developers both from the industry and academia.  For 2012, we call for submissions from the following programs:

Submission Deadline
Art Gallery 5 June 2012
Computer Animation Festival 3 July 2012
Courses 7 June 2012
Emerging Technologies 26 June 2012
Posters 20 August
Symposium on Apps 28 June 2012
Technical Briefs 20 August 2012
Technical Papers 22 May 2012

Each program has its respective submission deadline and guidelines, all of which are strictly enforced. Review the Calls for Submission for each program, start planning early, and get ready to submit your best work by the submission deadlines.
Click here to submit your work via the SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 submission system.
All deadlines are strictly enforced and are at 23:59 GMT/UTC.  To find out what time that is where you are, you may use a Time Zone Converter.

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