Friday, August 17, 2012

Public BETA still available for new Multi-Optics Program from Team-UP

It bears repeating again, that the people that brought you LAGOA Multi-Physics are starting an open public BETA soon. Their new concept is called TEAM-UP, which will be a 3d collaborative platform with something new called Multi-Optics. The Multi-Optics program will allow you to layout, compose and render with lightning type speeds. Good optics driven rendering at that. I am unclear as to the 3d collaborative aspect of the concept, but it sounds interesting. If you are familiar with LAGOA Multi-Physics, and you consider the source, I see no reason to believe anything less than spectacular results from this program. If you have never BETA'ed a program before it is a lot of fun to see/use something before the rest of the world gets it's hands on it. It can be hard work though. It's very satisfying to be able to put your two cents in and possibly change the course or add a feature to a program. To sign-up for TEAM-UP go to


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