Sunday, August 19, 2012

For No Other Reason Than It's Neat #6

I am not much of a STEAM PUNK Punk. To me it all seems like an extraordinary amount of work. Everyone's got to have a hobby RIGHT? Never-the-less I am fascinated by the artwork. Some of this stuff is extremely intricate. You would almost believe that this stuff was functional and had a place in history. Does anyone remember the old TV show "The Wild Wild West" ? I watched it faithfully. The 1999 movie with Will Smith was terrible. If you are unclear on what the hell steam punk is check out the WIKI for a reasonable explanation.

I came across an artist that lives no more than an hour from me that has made quite a name for himself in the STEAM PUNK community. He is a fellow ETSYier ( His studio, Brute Force Studios does some very high quality steam punk fashion and gear. I am awed by the sheer ingenuity of it all.
 The artist, Thomas Willeford has certainly got his pulse on what is quality steam punk gear. His designs have been featured on BBC, "Castle", CBS News, "Oddities", MTV, and in gallery shows and publications worldwide. Satisfied customers include David Silverman (The Simpsons), Patricia Tallman (Army of Darkness), Virginia Hey (Farscape), and steampunk band Abney Park.

Check out some of his artwork at   My hats off to Mr. Willeford (or should I say Lord Archibald Featherstone)  for his work. Very nice stuff. He also has a nice blog for the steam punk enthusiast at

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