Monday, October 1, 2012

Make Magazine: A Mag For All DIY Geeks

If you've never seen an issue of make magazine, you should pick one up. It's a magazine dedicated to the do-it-yourself crowd for cool people. Bre Pettis and the Makerbot was first highlighted here. The cool thing about make is there are projects for every skill level. From kid-nerds to adult-nerds. I once made silly putty from a recipe in Make. The current issue #31 has a great article on a dog ball launcher, multi-copters and making your own thunderstorms. I know that it looks like I've been pushing magazines subscriptions like a door to door salesman but I am really just trying to get some fun Information out there. It can't always be about CG. Can it? You can get to the website HERE. So Check it out.

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