Thursday, September 20, 2012

SpeedTree Halloween Edition

I had a chance to evaluate SpeedTree.  There are quite a few programs out there that help you make trees. Xfrog and Onyx Tree to name a couple. There are merits to each of them but for my money SpeedTree is the way to go. ILM felt the same way as they chose it for Avatar. See a profile of SpeedTree on Avatar HERE.

Since I am gearing up for Halloween I thought I would use some NON-traditional speetree created images for this entry. The above is a real favorite. This package come in two main flavors with a few variants. SpeedTree Cinema and SpeedTree for  Games. You can get more info HERE.
 One of my favorite features is the ability to draw out a tree, in realtime, with a stylus or mouse. This is a greaet deal of fun and really affords you the ability to get exact and get creative with your tree models.


If your in the market for a great tree modeling program with all the bells and whistles. SpeedTree addresses Gamers as well as Film work. Get an eval of SpeedTree HERE. You'll be glad you did. Below is a realtime demo animation done with SpeedTree. Gamers should be particularly thrilled.

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