Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Golaem Updates Their Crowd Sim Plugin For Maya

There are a few options out there for you if you are a Maya user interested in visualizing crowds. A fairly new plugin for Maya called Golaem (I have no idea what that means. Anyone?).

I have not used the software but will be evaluating it shortly. It seems considerably easier to use than say, Massive. Check out the demo below for a taste of how crowd sims are implemented in Maya with Golaem.

 Here is what they say about themselves. "Golaem is a software company that focuses on populating 3D worlds with autonomous virtual humans. Golaem helps creators and engineers to bring life to their digital worlds by providing virtual humans integrated in their favorite platforms.Based on state-of-the-art researches, Golaem technologies include real-time animation, navigation, and human behaviors, from single characters to functional crowds. Golaem offers a decisive progress to customers by combining those fundamentals of human behaviors into standalone products. Designed for digital entertainment and simulation, Golaem products enable to streamline digital content creation and save valuable production time."

 You can find out more about Golaem HERE. You can get a 30 day eval HERE so check it out.

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