Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Bevy of FX Software Packages from FXGear

I'm just throwing this out there without any endorsement that I have used their products. Frankly I have never heard of FXGear. I have heard of Qualoth 2013 (cloth sim software ) their premier software package. I have also heard that Qualoth 2013 is pretty effective at simulation of cloth.


FXGear has some other dynamic sim software in it's arsenal too. These include another cloth simulator called ezCLoth 2013 (for gamers), Flux 2013 is  fluid sim software, and FXHair 2013. I can't really speak intelligently about these packages other than to say that FXGear seems to take exception to Syflex and DreamWorks uses their FXHair product. The various packages are for Maya, Max, and Stand alone which adresses other similar fx software packages. Watch the DEMOS and you decide. More Demos and their very understated website are HERE.


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