Sunday, June 10, 2012

Shapeways Leads the Pack in RPT Services

Shapeways has been around for many years now and I consider them to be the best of the 3d printers out there. The New York based company can turn around your 3d print in about 10 days. That's not bad for individualized custom service.


Shapeways does some interesting things. amongst them is their catalog of items that you can get made for yourself but put a custom flair on it. Take these candle holders above. you can use your own word to create a really neat and personal gift.

 Shapeways has a nice selection of materials that range in price from $20.00 a cubic CM for sterling silver to 18 cents for ceramic per cubic CM. There are a nice range of colors as well. check out the materials HERE
If you want to get a good sense of the process then check out this VIDEO

I highly recommend  Shapeways for your first project as it is a fairly simple procedure to get your 3D work into your hands as a real world object. It is also somewhat gratifying to actually hold something created by your 3d program and now cast in something such as stainless steel. Give it a try.

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