Friday, June 1, 2012

Brian Taylor Posts Opening Sequence of RUSTBOY

 I won't belabor an already great blog post from Og's Blog (Check it out) because the post is thorough. It goes into the long lost short feature called RUSTBOY that showed so much promise when it first came out. A Scotsman by the name of Brian Taylors designed and animated a cute character, Rustboy. He also teased us with short animated scenes of a short feature that was planned. In a nutshell, Hollywood got a hold of it AND... need I really say anymore. Till recently, the trailer was never posted anywhere but you can check it out FINALLY ( after 11 years )  below.

Funnily enough the original website is still up and running at , Check it out because there is a lot of extra material on the character there. It's amazing how far this concept actually got. Whilst it was done a little backwards maybe... there was a "making of" book, and even a PVC toy.

While Brian has long put Rustboy behind him fans still clammer to see the short completed. You can see Brian's new site here at . Check out his new characters and PVC toys and definitely check out OG's blog for the interview with Brian Taylor.

One final note on the opening sequence, Brian's intention was to use off the shelf software to accomplish his feature. The work seen up to this point was done in Infini-D. Quite a feat.

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