Saturday, June 9, 2012

For No Other Reason Than It's Neat #5

When it comes to graphic software giants the big Death Star in the universe is Autodesk. I still can't say Maya and Autodesk in the same breathe without choking. Maybe Death Star is not the right analogy. They are more like the Borg. They have been trapsing about the cosmos for years buying up small graphics software companies and technologies absorbing them  into the collective. There doesn"t seem to be anything wrong with that as long as they continue to innovate at a healthy pace. Autodesks newest adventure is an online affair called 123D. It has been in public BETA for quite some time now and it seems to target the low end every day joe.

123D is a small suite of programs that let the user do some really neat things. It brings rapid prototyping to the masses. There are 4 main component programs that are possibly available as a web application, for the PC, Mac, and Ipad/Iphone. Each one uses user created geometry in different ways.

123D is a modeler available for the PC only that allows the user to use some sophisticated modeling tools to 3d model whatever suits you and then send that model to a RPT service for a real world 3d printed replica.

123DCatch allows the user to take photos and turn them into a 3d object of that photo. THis of course can be RTP'ed out for a real worl 3d printed object. This application is available on the PC, Ipad, and as a web application. A series of photos taken of your object are sent to the cloud for calculation and assembly into a 3d object.

123D Sculpt is an Ipad only app that introduces the user to 3d digital clay and 3d texture map painting.

Lastly is 123D Make which can take user generated models and create a different kind of rapid prototyped piece not generally as widely known. 3d models are transformed into a pattern for assembling real cardboard lasered pieces that are fit together too represent the object. Very neat. This application is available  as a web application, for the PC, Mac, and Ipad/Iphone.

You can check it all out at

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