Monday, May 14, 2012

Other Realflow Plugin News

I have been asked if I know of other Realflow Plugins that are available. As a matter of fact I do. There are a couple. Wet Work is a series of Realflow Plugins for RF 2012 and RF 5 that do some neato things. D&Esign are responsible for some rather usefuls plugin tools. They include Snow 2.0, Viscous Drop, Repletum (crown spash), Morphing, Dripping and Cursum Linearis. You can get demo video's of each plugin HERE . I have not worked with these plugins but there is a group called the Ugly Kids that specialize in RF VFX work. Check out their reel HERE.

I found Snow 2.0 to be of real interest. Check out the demo reels for Snow

The plugins are available now and eval versions available as well. Check them out.

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