Monday, July 16, 2012

The Cult of the MakerBot

The alternative to taking your 3d model to a service like Ponoko or Shapeways is to own your own machine. But ... "Hey aren't these machines prohibitively expensive?", you say.  You would think so. Enter MakerBot from MakerBot industries with a low cost solution for the determined hobbyist. For $1,300 you can now get into the world of 3d printing. I kid you not. I have known about MakerBot industries for a few years now and have watched them grow from a garage type shop making kits to cranking fully operational version machines out to order.


 The great thing is that this is a geek company with a geek attitude catering to geeks. You can't really beat that combination. All the parts, and supplies you need are available from MakerBot. For a relative pittance you can get into the wonderful hobby for yourself.

 Not so much a hobby as it has become a cult similar to the cult of Apple. There are forums and blogs enough to keep you well informed on the latest and greatest info on how this tweak and that tweak can make a difference in your "making". There is even MakerBot TV that covers news and tutorials and everything else MakerBot.


 There is a lot of information and minutia out there for everyone. There are even some stand out Hero/Artist types that are making a name for themselves even as a new art form seems to be materializing. The below image is a photo of a MakerBot sculpture done by one of the more well known users. It's creepy and fun. There is just so much possibility here once you own one of these babies. So save your change.

One of the neatest additions to the MakerBot world is the Thingiverse This is a blog, repository and exchange for 3d models for 3d printing. It's just another great resource for your own creativity. I venture a guess that a Makerbot is in my near future. It's just a matter of time. Do you hear me SANTA?

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