Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Arion Real Time Renderer Enters the Fray at V1.6

Real time renderers and renderers in general are all the rage. I think it's funny that so many companies are battling for the #1 slot if the "realest of the real" contest. Look I can't tell whats real anymore. Can you? Still they try and somehow succeed to add some new reality to our images that was heretofore unheard of. Real time in general sends a chill up my spine. It's almost uncanny that these images are more real than real. I think it's fitting that Arion from Random Control calls itself "real-time digital photography". Other than CG artists, the photographer suffers over the tiniest detail to make things "just right". Here is a little about Arion

What is Arion?

Arion is the hybrid-accelerated and physically-based light simulator developed by RandomControl. It inherits all our expertise in light simulation and makes it run on steroids, thanks to our very unique approach to massive CPU+GPU+LAN computation.

Arion is:

  • an interactive WYSIWYG editing application.
  • a super-high performance production renderer.

Arion's unique approach

Arion uses all the GPUs -and- all the CPUs in your system simultaneously, not wasting a single flop available. Additionally, Arion can use all the GPUs and all the CPUs in all the other computers in your network forming a cluster for massive computation.

In that regard, Arion is a grid-computing solution to the problem of light physics simulation. Simultaneous GPU+CPU+LAN, combined with our exhaustively optimized code, is what we call hybrid acceleration.

Some facts about Arion

  • Uses all the GPUs -and- CPUs in your system simultaneously.
  • Plugging an extra GPU delivers an immediate performance boost.
  • 20x to 100x speed up per machine (hardware-dependent).
  • Strictly physically-based.
  • Fully unbiased (no cheats, no shortcuts).
  • Does not need any kind of precomputations.
  • Easy-to-use interactive WYSIWYG editing app.
  • The real-time viewport -is- final quality.
  • Production render engine features (commandline renderer, compositing channels, etc...)
  • Compatible with NetWarrior for hyper-fast cooperative still frame and animation rendering.

Really? Are you kidding with me? I guess not.

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