Sunday, May 24, 2009

Speaking of Pepe and Pepeland . . .

In the previous post I referenced "Pepe". I have come to the conclusion that you may not know to what I refer. Pepe was a test render by Daniel Martinez Lara using a secret BETA version of a renderer called The Arnold Global Illumination Renderer which was to be used in Project Messiah. I was amazed by the rendering, concept, and use of alternate means to fool the viewer into believing that it was all a completely real scene. It's not always about lighting. The use of sound, the handheld look, and the seemingly random auto-focus truly added to the piece. It was done in 3dMax circa 1999 (even more amazing). Check out Daniel Lara's site HERE.

Also, do yourself a favor and download and view "Pepe" HERE. I really thought it was brilliant and inspiring.

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