Wednesday, March 12, 2008

BHK Website links for Maya: Plugin Power

Here are a couple of links for the Maya Plugin Power website. More to come. Please let me know if there are any problems, complaints, or suggestions.

Big Headed Kitty Gallery

Maya Plugin Resource Links

Maya Plugin Chapter Compatibility Chart



Who is Big Headed Kitty?

I know. Strange name for a website, blog, and cat. The Big Headed Kitty (bhk) is a character we have been working on. He's a kitty. He has a big head. You get the idea.

This is also the blog of the website. This will be a clearing house for my book, "Maya: Plugin Power". This will have news, corrections, additions, extras, and anything else pertaining to the book. I also hope to use this site as a comprehensive collection of knowledge on Maya plugins, and other software that may work well in conjunction with Maya.

Look for Maya: Plugin Power on Maya 9, 2008

or order it here.

